Hackers are constantly trying to gain access to vulnerable websites. In fact, hackers attempt to disrupt a business or government website every 39 seconds. It’s possible that even your small business’s website may be a target for sophisticated hacking intrusions, data breaches & botnet attacks. If a website is published online, often it’s flooded with bad bots–doing what bad bots do, misbehaving & disrupting a website.
According to UNG, 43% of cyberattacks target small business & 64% of all companies have been targeted by various hacking schemes. Over 59% of companies’ websites have fallen victim to malware, malicious code & disruptive botnets. 51% of all websites have been exposed to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks–rendering an unresponsive, or slow website for real-time-users.
You can protect your Maine website from hackers, data breaches & malicious botnet attacks. Dirigo Digital provides full website security, SSL & HSTS encryption protocols, Network Firewall & CDN services for Mainers’ business websites by integrating industry-leading website security technologies & measures.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Encryption

Encrypted internet security protocols are critical for any business website that exchanges customer data, or that hosts sensitive eCommerce databases. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption protects your site’s users by only allowing the exchange of encrypted data between the user’s web browser & the website.
One of the many benefits of installing a SSL certificate on your business website is not only the added trust value, but SSL encryption also helps boost a site’s SEO. In 2014, Google started to include SSL digital certificate encryption as direct a ranking factor.
Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

HSTS directives force a domain to only load https:// versions of a website. HSTS policies ensure that all web browser responses go through Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) connections instead of plain text HTTP. This includes all subdomains & depreciated web pages that users may still have access to through outdated URLs available on the web.
You can check your own website’s HSTS Preload Eligibility & be included in Chrome’s HSTS preload list. HSTS preloading is compatible with most popular browsers such as, Safari, Firefox, IE 11, Microsoft Edge & Opera. Most of these contemporary web browsers offer their own preload lists that are sourced & propagated from the Chrome Preload list.
Network Firewall

Take total control of your website’s traffic, monitor threats in real-time & specify your website’s security rules with our professional installation of a Network Firewall. A Network Firewall has many advantages when it comes to fully-securing a domain, such as, removing data breach threats, blocks hidden-installations of malware, virus attacks & prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data stored on servers.
Examples of Security Rules Defined By a Network Firewall:
x-xss-protection is a response header that blocks cross-site scripting (xss). Cross-site scripting is an attack that injects malicious code & scripts into unsuspecting websites. Often, this code transmits private information such as session data & cookies to the attacker.
x-frame-protection sets a HTTP response header that indicates whether, or not, a browser can display a website embedded on different website encoded within a frame. A x-frame response header protects domains from clickjacking attacks.
x-content-type-options creates a response header directive that protects web applications from Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type sniffing attacks. Discover more about MIME sniffing & nosniff response headers from keycdn.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN is a group of servers located in different global locations that distribute a website’s media & content to the end user. CDNs greatly increase a website’s efficiency, speed & security. Content Delivery Networks cache a website’s contents, speeding up the loading-time of images, videos, HTML code, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & JavaScript (JS).
A Content Delivery Network provides unrivaled vulnerability hardening for your Maine website’s security measures against cyberattacks. At Dirigo Digital, we house our clients’ CDN within the Network Firewall framework. This ensures strict security protocols are fully distributed without commutation of web performance; where a few seconds delay could cost you a customer.